

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What are the stages of a root canal?

There is no pain associated with root canal therapy – it relieves it. Endodontic root canal therapy treats infected or inflamed tissue on the inside of the tooth by removing the infected or inflamed tissue. It’s often disregarded as a painful procedure – but it’s actually no more complicated than getting a simple filling in your mouth. To help you understand how simple root canal therapy is, here are the seven stages.

  • Probable Diagnosis: There is a reason why a root canal is performed. When you have an aching or infected tooth, your dentist will diagnose the problem and recommend a treatment. 
  • An X-ray: Be ready, you’re about to undergo quite a few x-rays. This will provide your dentist with a visual guide. They can follow it and proceed accordingly. An x-ray will also reveal how deep and wide the infection is.
  • Localised Anesthesie: Anesthesia is often used more heavily for this treatment than for any other.
  • Drilling: It is safe to use a dental drill if you are with a professional dentist. Drilling a hole through the tooth is the first thing to drain bacteria, pulp, and nerves that have been compromised. 
  • Removal & Drainage: The damaged area inside your tooth will be removed with tiny files once the hole has been drilled. Only the right portion of the tooth is removed with these files, while the rest of the tooth remains intact.
  • Filling as a temporary Measure:  The final steps in some root canals are scheduled at a later date, depending on the situation and the endodontist. The tooth is temporarily filled with a filling.
  • Crowning And Sealing: It is imperative that your tooth is sealed and crowned in order to prevent further infection and cracking. A crown is not always necessary after root canal therapy, but it does make a tooth more protected.

Root canals can be saved by acting quickly so that your dentist can finish the procedure in a couple of visits.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!