

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Are The Pros And Cons of Dental Fluoride Treatments?

Dental issues are more prevalent than ever due to our lifestyle and food choices, and it has become highly significant to maintain ‌good oral health. Many oral health solutions are available in the market, which help keep dental issues at bay. One such cure is a dental fluoride treatment. So, before diving into its benefits and side effects, let’s first understand the treatment. 

Dental fluoride treatment is a preventive measure that involves the application of fluoride to the teeth. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps in strengthening tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. It usually involves using a gel, foam, or varnish from a dentist.

What is Dental Fluoride Treatment like?

Fluoride treatment is generally done in a clinic and can be completed in just a few minutes. The teeth are cleaned to remove debris or plaque, and then the solution is applied using a brush, swab, or tray. The mineral is left on the teeth for a short period, usually a few minutes, and then the patient is asked to spit it out.

Fluoride helps to remineralize the teeth and makes them more resistant to decay. It can also help reverse early signs of tooth decay and prevent the need for more invasive dental remedies. Dental fluoride treatments are safe and effective, but it is essential to follow the dentist’s instructions on how often to receive them and properly care for the teeth between treatments.

Benefits of Dental Fluoride Treatment

Not only do dental fluoride treatment help cure tooth decay, but it also maintains oral health. Some of the pros of it are given below:

  1. Guard your enamel: Enamel is the outermost covering of our teeth and is the hardest tissue in our body. However, when microbes attack, enamel develops cavities that can have serious consequences. Hence, protecting enamel is vital, and dental fluoride treatments work magically for it.
  2. Restores essential minerals: Our teeth consist of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Over a period of time, teeth start losing these minerals because of improper care. Fluoride can help put those minerals into your teeth and build up strength. 
  3. Prevents Tooth Decay: Our food choices can adversely affect our teeth. The sugary components can mess with our teeth’ health and cause cavities. However, dental fluoride treatment can easily remove any buildup on our teeth, ‌helping them maintain their health.

The drawback of dental fluoride treatment

  1. Not Safe for Children: The treatment is unfit for children until ingested. Children below the age of 6 years are not recommended to get dental fluoride treatment as they tend to ingest it. 
  2. Acute Problems: The problems one might face after using a mineral of this sort on your teeth are temporary. However, if the issue persists, you should contact your doctor. Some problems can be toothache, nausea, stomach discomfort, and vomiting. 
  3. Tooth decay: Too much of anything adverse its effects. This stands true with fluorides too. Overdose of the treatment can act adversely on your teeth. It can make your enamel weak and decay your teeth further.

Dental fluoride treatment rarely has long-term adverse implications. However, to maintain the efficacy of the treatment, one should always rely on a 100% professional and trusted dentist. 

Apart from opting for any professional dental solution, you can maintain good oral health through regular checkups, brushing twice, and controlling sugar and caffeine intake. Taking preventive measures regularly can help you maintain oral health. Precautionary steps help you go a long way regarding oral health.